Flavio Nuccitelli and Luca Starita

Marea 22

Marea 22 is the second edition of the Marea Art Project residency program.
It sees the participation of the writer and screenwriter Flavio Nuccitelli and of the writer and playwright Luca Starita


Flavio Nuccitelli

Roma , 1988

Nuccitelli has worked in the editing of some TV programs: Parla con Me (Rai3), The Show Must Go Off (La7), Gazebo (Rai3), and Propaganda Live (Rai3); in 2010, he moved to New York where he worked on the selection of feature films for the Tribeca Film Festival.

Since 2016 he has worked as story editor for Wildside. He has dealt with international series (The Miracle and Anna, Niccolò Ammaniti, We Are Who We Are, Luca Guadagnino) and feature films (Limonov, Come un Gatto in Tangenziale, Cetto C'è, Poveri ma Ricchi).

He currently works as a screenwriter: Romolo and Giuly 2 (Fox), Un Posto al Sole (Rai3), Achille Lauro: No Face 1 (Sky Uno), Illuminate (Rai3), and TV author: La TV delle Ragazze 2018 (Rai3), Stati Generali (Rai3), Lui è peggio di me (Rai3), CCN: Il Salotto by Michela Giraud (Comedy Central).

In 2021 his first novel Frenesia has been published by Fandango Libri


Luca Starita

Napoli, 1988

He lives in Florence, where he works for Giunti publisher. He graduated in Italian Studies in Bologna with a thesis on queerness in Aldo Palazzeschi's fiction, and in 2021 he published the essay Canone Ambiguo - Italian queer literature for the Effequ publishing house. He attended a film scriptwriting course at the Holden School in Turin in 2016, and in 2019 he published the novel: The thesis of the Hippocampus for Bookabooks.

He writes about literature for some magazines such as La città Dei Conti (Florence) and Cultweek (Milan). He deals with theater, both as a playwright (his two dramas: Quanta Strada Nelle Mie Scarpe and Caleidoscopio, were staged in Florence respectively in 2018 and 2019); and as curator of cultural projects (such as Literary Refreshments of 2020, conceived for the Murmuris theater company in collaboration with the National Central Library of Florence).